Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Work work work...

Much to her delight, Lucius's new desk and chair have finally arrived, Christmas/ birthday gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Lucius. She sits down to 'work' (aka draw like Mama + Papa) at her desk first thing every morning. And it fits perfectly into the window nook

Gardening in lovely light

Spring is well under way here, with temperatures tipping the upper teens on a regular basis.
Lucius is developing a love for being outside and gardening (finding worms!). Pictures of her new mini-fig gardening tools to follow soon

A good way to donate...

...and a stark reminder that everything can change in an instant, and often does.
The tragedy there is especially poignant as Elaine was just in Tokyo last week.
The loveliest place, people + everything. Ever.