Welcome to Portland
First day salon haircuts with Aunt Anette
(and Lucius's first true haircut)
Our first abode of the trip. A wee cabin at the back of the Japanese restaurant, Yakuza Lounge. We had the run of a lovely garden too which was complete w/ hot tub, plunge pool and
outdoor shower
Lucius riding Bishop's (the owner's son) trike
Lunch at Lovejoy Bakery
A quick dip in the Jameson Square water fountain
And relax
Lunch at The Grilled Cheese Grill
(eating in their London double decker bus!)
Mastering one of many playgrounds
Portland Rose Garden
Fat squirrel
Big Pickle, Little Pickle
The ride
Our second abode at
Coast Cabins in Manzanita
The hot tub's on the right
A breezy beach
A hot day at Smugglers Cove (or Short Sands) with Aunt Anette, Uncle Todd, Alex, Alessandra + Carlos the dog
Anette, Todd and Carlos
The walk to the beach is through beautiful ancient woods
A misty Sunday in Manzanita after another yummy lunch at Bread + Ocean
Tickle Pickle
Brunch at Tasty & Sons back in Portland
Tasty * Tasty * Tasty
Beating the drums at Shigezo, a Japanese restaurant
Screeching sugar rush with Rose
Our third abode above the Coalition Brewery, a micro-brewery pub
Fish spotting at the Japanese Garden
Lola, Lucius's first official pet
Getting to try out her new K-Way on Mt. Tabor
A view of Portland from Mt Tabor
(yes that is an table ironing board)
The long awaited first meeting with Baby Hazel
Mt. Hood