Thursday, April 22, 2010

Radio Flyer

Elaine and her sisters fondly grew up with the classic red Radio Flyer wagon and tricycle. This special package arrived in the mail a few weeks ago: a littler walker version (thank you Grandma and Grandpa Lucius)

A handy Papa quietly puts the wagon together during her mid-day nap

What wonderment if this!? A delighted little mademoiselle

is shyly overwhelmed

and very pleased

And she's off... and hasn't stopped since.
The Lucius Transport Trolley for Toys starts first pick-up promptly at 10am every morning weekdays and weekends. Please mind the step. Toot! Toot!


Mark Roth said...

A charmed and idyllic life! Beautiful family and great photos too! We should catch up. Saw your parents at dad's funeral. Send me an email? :-)

Mark Roth said...

Anonymous said...